Debugging MVEL.eval()

You may hit a weird result from MVEL.eval() due to type coercion.

As the rules of type coercion are not fully documented, you may need to go though source codes to understand what is happening.

Here is a simple (stupid) example,

Boolean result = (Boolean)MVEL.eval("true == \"foo\"");
System.out.println("result = " + result.toString());

The result is

result = true

Let's look into it.

You can get MVEL source codes from:

org.mvel2.MVELInterpretedRuntime.parseAndExecuteInterpreted() is the main method to execute the MVEL expression.
It's a little bit hard to read though without a help of a tool. Let's use a debugger and set a breakpoint here.

  private Object parseAndExecuteInterpreted() {
    ASTNode tk = null;
    int operator;
    lastWasIdentifier = false;

    try {
      while ((tk = nextToken()) != null) {
        switch ((operator = arithmeticFunctionReduction(operator))) {
          case OP_TERMINATE:
            return stk.peek();
          case OP_RESET_FRAME:
    return stk.peek();

After straying around, you will reach to org.mvel2.math.MathProcessor.doOperations() where the operation takes place.

  public static Object doOperations(Object val1, int operation, Object val2) {
    return doOperations(val1 == null ? DataTypes.OBJECT : __resolveType(val1.getClass()),
        val1, operation,
        val2 == null ? DataTypes.NULL : __resolveType(val2.getClass()), val2);

Call stack will look like this:

Thread [main] (Suspended)	
	MathProcessor.doOperations(Object, int, Object) line: 47	
	ExecutionStack.op(int) line: 165	
	MVELInterpretedRuntime(AbstractParser).reduce() line: 2450	
	MVELInterpretedRuntime(AbstractParser).arithmeticFunctionReduction(int) line: 2410	
	MVELInterpretedRuntime.parseAndExecuteInterpreted() line: 139	
	MVELInterpretedRuntime.parse() line: 47	
	MVEL.eval(String) line: 90	
	Exam01.main(String[]) line: 12	

Now step-in carefully. The execution path depends on the operator and the types of the operands.

  private static Object _doOperations(int type1, Object val1, int operation, int type2, Object val2) {
    if (operation < 20) {
      if (type1 > 49 && type1 == type2) {
        return doOperationsSameType(type1, val1, operation, val2);
      else if ((type1 > 99 && (type2 > 99))
          || (operation != 0 && isNumber(val1) && isNumber(val2))) {
        return doPrimWrapperArithmetic(getNumber(val1, type1),
            getNumber(val2, type2), true, box(type2) > box(type1) ? box(type2) : box(type1));
      else if (operation != ADD &&
          (type1 == 15 || type2 == 15) &&
          type1 != type2 && type1 != EMPTY && type2 != EMPTY) {

        return doOperationNonNumeric(type1, convert(val1, Boolean.class), operation, convert(val2, Boolean.class));

convert() delegates the job to ConversionHandler. This time, it's org.mvel2.conversion.BooleanCH. BooleanCH implements the conversion logics from every type to Boolean.

public class BooleanCH implements ConversionHandler {
  private static Converter stringConverter = new Converter() {
    public Object convert(Object o) {
      return !(((String) o).equalsIgnoreCase("false")
          || (((String) o).equalsIgnoreCase("no"))
          || (((String) o).equalsIgnoreCase("off"))
          || ("0".equals(o))
          || ("".equals(o)));

Now you understand that MVEL coerces "false", "no", "off", "0" and "" to false. Others to true.